Wendy William. T
a 21-year-old aspiring industrial chemist of
University Malaysia Sabah, a March Pisces
and a cat lover.
Habuk Banyak :')

Assalamualaikum :D

I am super excited to be writing another entry after leaving my blog without any updates for some time. It's SPM ba guys couldn't and did not have the chance to turn on my laptop and update anything. It's been a very tough first week of SPM :'D Viral dah soalan2 tahun ni isn't? Sejarah by far the worst :( But alhamdulillah I managed to jawab all the soalan :)

I am so sorry for not responding any of your messages on the cbox for such long time! I will be responding to you guys after SPM ends :) By the way, thank u so much for not giving up on visiting my blog :) Appreciate it :*

Next Monday I will be sitting for Mathematics :) Not my favorite subject but I am feeling super pumped on studying Mathematics today! Yeay for me !!!

And then I will be sitting for PAI and Add maths :') God bless .

I don't have any stories to share in the meantime but will definitely write again soon! Bye :)