Hello there. I'm Wendy, a 21-year-old who's currently in the midst of trying to piece everything together.
These past few weeks have been a whirlwind of emotions—confusing yet strangely invigorating. I find myself grappling with some pretty big questions about who I am and who I want to become. It might sound like a jumbled mess, but that's the reality of this transitional phase of life.
Amidst the confusion, I've discovered a sense of aliveness that is both exhilarating and overwhelming. Feeling deeply, whether it's joy, uncertainty, or even fear, reminds me that I'm still connected to my emotions—a comforting realization amidst the chaos.
In just a week, I'll be bidding farewell to the familiar comforts of home to embark on a new chapter in my university dorm. It's not that I dislike where I am now; rather, I believe the change in environment will challenge me to excel academically. Surrounding myself with motivated peers will hopefully ignite a competitive spirit within me—a drive to push my boundaries and strive for excellence.
Recently, I was honored to receive a scholarship from PIDN JPA—a recognition of the hard work I've poured into my studies. It's a reminder to acknowledge my efforts and a motivation to maintain the standard that earned me this accolade. The responsibility that comes with it is daunting, but it also fuels my determination to succeed.
As I navigate this journey of "getting my life together," I'm experimenting with strategies that resonate with me. Rediscovering bullet journaling has transformed my approach to time management, bringing structure to my days. Reflecting on my mistakes has become a habit, fostering personal growth and resilience. Practicing gratitude has shifted my perspective, reminding me of the abundance in my life. These small changes are adding up, contributing to a holistic growth—mentally, emotionally, and personally.
Looking ahead, I'm both nervous and excited to see how this semester at university unfolds. It's a pivotal time for me, a chance to prove to myself that I can thrive in this new environment and continue on my path of personal development.