Wendy William. T
a 21-year-old aspiring industrial chemist of
University Malaysia Sabah, a March Pisces
and a cat lover.
Kolej Matrikulasi Labuan

Assalamualaikum :)

Damn I need to get my schedule straight cuhs I aint got no time to write *facepalm*
Alhamdulillah praise to Allah SWT for granting me this kind of opportunity, I have been accepted to the place I have always wanted to go and study at !

I will leave KK in a week. I have mixed feelings about this whole situation tho. I am excited as hell to begin my the new chapter of my life but at the same time i am not ready to leave mommy and my sisters *sobs*

Darn it I need to grow up T^T

I will be there for 2 years before I sambung degree InshaaAllah.

I have such big dreams and yet I am scared and vulnerable. I need to get my head straight !

Dorm? for 2 years, dalam dorm tdur makan maggie huhuhuhu wow looks like kurus la jawabnyeeeee.

Do you have any tips for me? Studying tips, how to be organize and stuff. I just do not know how to get all these things in place !