Wendy William. T
a 21-year-old aspiring industrial chemist of
University Malaysia Sabah, a March Pisces
and a cat lover.
Let us forgive :)



As SPM approach, i try to be more forgiving. Bukan lemah, cuma what's the point of being in a fight and holding grunge for nothing? There are still a few people in class that i intend to apologize kot kot selama ni terkasar bahasa dan terumpat.

Tidak semestinya yang salah sahaja yang kena minta maaf right? I know, I am strong enough to forgive and inshaaAllah to forget. Time will tell isn't?

And so I have applied for Matriculation College and will be applying to UiTM inshaaAllah. Any other suggestions of other institutions that I can apply? I am so confused about my future. Oh no, this is not gonna be good.

Dangggg, time flies so fast!!!!!! I am crying :(

You know, i am super torn. I dont want to leave high school because i will miss the memories that i have created with friends and teachers but at the same time, i want to explore the world and have a job and make my mom and sisters proud. Can't i just do both?

Huh, well kinda impossible.

It's raining outside. It's like the alam turut bersimpati with my life. 29 days to SPM! Ready not ready eyyy just sit lahhhhh .

Will be posting another post later. Assalamualaikum.